
Dispersion Controlled Coatings

GVD / Group Velosity Dispersion Mirror
HDM / High Disperison Mirror
BSDC / Beam Splitter Disersion Controlled

Our Dispersion Controlled Coatings comprise three groups:
Group Velocity Dispersion Mirrors (GVD), High Dispersion Mirrors (HDM) and Beam Splitter Dispersion Controlled Mirrors (BSDC). Dispersion controlled coatings are mirrors to compensate positive Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) of all materials. GVD's up to several thousand fsĀ² are possible. We can achieve these high values within tight tolerances.
The Dispersion Controlled Mirrors are fabricated with NANEO's proprietary precision coating technology on IBS (Ion Beam Sputtering) coating machines. NANEO achieves unique layer thickness precision. IBS provides the most dense, low loss, stable and endurable optical coatings among the optical coating technologies.

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Laser Beam Splitter Coatings

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GRM / Radial Gradient Mirror
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Customized Coatings

If the matched Caoting is not listed on these pages, please send us your specifications.


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Dispersion Controlled Coatings

GVD / Group Velosity Dispersion Mirror
HDM / High Disperison Mirror
BSDC / Beam Splitter Disersion Controlled


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AR / Anti Reflection Coating
ARL / Anti Reflection Coating <0,02%
ARBB / Broad Band Anti Reflection Coating


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Precision High LIDT MPC Coatings

MPC / Broadband Femtosecond Multi-Pass Cell Laser Mirrors

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High quality optical ITO Coatings by IBS

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